Our Oil
Armonic Hojiblanca Early Harvest (limited production) and Armonic Selection are the two extra virgin olive oils produced in the 2021/2022 campaign, both available in our store.
They are superior quality oils, produced with the best harvest from our family olive groves, located in an unbeatable setting: the center of Andalusia, Puente Genil.
Both EVOO are always cold extracted, from olives at different stages of maturity, and before they reach full maturity (black): Harmonic Hojiblanca Early Harvest is harvested when the olive is still green and begins to show its purple color and Harmonic Selection is harvested once the olive is ripening and wears purple.
Harmonic Hojiblanca Early Harvest , made with selected olives of the Hojiblanca variety, is a green fruity oil, with the aroma of freshly cut grass, olive leaves, tomato, green apple, artichoke and banana. It has a low bitterness and a medium spiciness that lingers. It is an oil that recalls the years of the old mills. It is ideal to consume raw.
Armónico Selección , made with a unique selection of olives, is a very balanced oil, with golden tones, a delicious aroma with notes of olive leaves, which combines with hints of tomato, artichoke and green banana. It has a characteristic sweet touch, low bitterness and medium-high spiciness. It is ideal to use raw, in salads and stews.
To ensure that the final result is always a superior quality oil, we strive to ensure that each of the phases of the production process are carried out under rigorous measures of quality, surveillance and care of the fruit.

olive groves
The production process of Armónico is born from the centuries-old olive trees that make up our family estate.
Our farmers are professionals who value and care for the land, aware of the rich and balanced habitat in which they are found. The varieties of olives that we grow come mainly from the native variety hojiblanca, picual, marteña and arbequina.

Water is a fundamental part of caring for our harvest, because through it we moderate the development of olive trees, constantly monitoring its absorption by the root system, thus achieving balanced photosynthesis.
Always committed to the environment and aware of the pressing shortage of water in the area, at Armónico we control the water status of all the olive trees on our family farm, applying the appropriate irrigation at each time and area for the cultivation of olive trees, that will give as a result our Harmonic Selection campaign oil.
In the case of Armónico Hojiblanca Cosecha Temprana , the oil comes from our centuries-old olive trees located on dry farms, depending mainly on atmospheric precipitation.

fruit selection
We carry out the harvesting of the fruit, selecting each area with the utmost care and care, and detecting the best olive trees within them.
When the ripening of the fruit begins, we carry out analyzes and tastings of the different areas of the farm, to find the optimal moment for harvesting. In the case of Armónico Hojiblanca Early Harvest , harvesting occurs when the olive still retains its green color and begins to show its purple color; in the case of Armónico Selección , the harvest takes place at a later time, when the color of the olive turns purple.

Oil mill and reception
The reception of the olive is carried out within the same day of the harvest, taking care that the time between collection and reception is as short as possible, to guarantee that the oil preserves all the organoleptic qualities of the olive.
For this, we organize transfers of small quantities of olives from the field to the oil mill, thus guaranteeing their optimal conditions.

cleaning and washing
Once the olive arrives at the mill, it goes through a cleaner, with the aim of removing the leaves, stems and dust that the olive can bring from the olive tree.

Subsequently, the clean olive goes through the grinding phase, thanks to which a paste is obtained that facilitates the subsequent extraction of the oil it contains.

Extraction and decantation
Once the cold oil has been extracted, it is cleaned using the decanter system, where the oil is purified as it passes through a system of communicating vessels. In this way we achieve that our oil preserves all the properties of the fruit intact.

In order to offer our best Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the care of the previous processes is as important as the conservation of the oil in optimal conditions.
With the aim of reaching the consumer with all its qualities, the oil is kept in stainless steel tanks, maintaining an inert atmosphere, and bottling is prepared according to request.

Final product
All the phases of the Armónico production process are carried out at less than 22 degrees, helping our oil to preserve the flavor and all the organoleptic properties of the olive, in order to offer the consumer a perfect product.