Professionally linked to the world of design, she concentrates her efforts on publicizing Aceite Armónico in all communication channels and in projecting the brand's image.
Why did you decide to embark on this adventure with your brothers?
- For several years now, the idea has been in Curro's head, our older brother. He infected Cristi and me with his entrepreneurial spirit, together with the indelible memory of our grandparents, to encourage us to create our oil company Armónico, always with the idea of making known the "grandfather's" oil to the world.
I am sure that our grandparents are guiding us through this adventure and all the good things that are happening to us are, in large part, because of them.
What factors would you highlight about Armónico?
-I would highlight the vitality of Aceite Armónico .Being a young company, recently created, we have managed to transmit the essence of this project to our customers, creating links with most of them and receiving very constructive and positive feedbacks. Our participation in social networks is being one of the key points in our strategy, and it is something we are learning, with many hours of work and study.
The three brothers have different professions, and the passion for the countryside and the memory of our grandparents unites us in a magical way. Armónico is undoubtedly a dream come true.
What projects or goals have you set?
- In the short term, our objective is to maintain the link with the customers who are getting to know our oil, achieving their loyalty by offering a product of the highest quality and a close personal treatment. In the medium term, we want to diversify our product offer, maintaining the quality standards of our brand, in order to expand our family Armónico.
In this sense, we have an ongoing initiative, through which we will offer and make known friendly companies, with interesting discounts, so that we can share experiences, customers and special prices.
In the long term, we have set very ambitious goals, such as making our product a benchmark oil.
What do you like the most about Armónico ?
-Working with my brothers, being in constant contact with them. Each one brings his value to the company, we are surprised because we are a very balanced team.

1 comment
En mi familia nos consideramos amantes del aceite y sin duda , el vuestro nos ha sorprendido. Tiene mucha personalidad y uña sabor muy particular. Enhorabuena!