Olive Japan Awards 2022
Gold medal for our Armonic Hojiblanca Early Harvest extra virgin olive oil , presented at the XI edition of the Olive Japan Contest , a contest of recognized international prestige. The awards were published on May 26, 2022.
It is one of the main olive oil competitions in the world, which brings together the highest levels of integrity and professionalism, to award medals to the best olive oils worldwide.
A total of 816 oils from 27 different countries have been presented in this edition, and having recognition of this caliber is a very important step for us. This award, together with the two received in the month of March (Mezquita Awards), place Armónico alongside the best national oils.
The jury of this contest is made up of judges from the main olive oil producing countries and from Japan, under the recommendation of the “Olive Oil Sommelier Association of Japan” (OSAJ). This jury has defined Harmonic Hojiblanca Early Harvest as “ oil with a bittersweet aroma of ripe tropical fruits, pineapple flavor. Wonderful aftertaste , pleasant sweetness, slight bitterness, and mild and balanced itching .
Interestingly, the name of our brand reflects the fundamental qualities described about our product: it is a harmonic and balanced oil.
In short… We are super happy! Our Harmonic Hojiblanca Early Harvest is once again awarded and this fact presents us with an ever-increasing challenge: to continue producing our oils with exemplary quality standards, taking care of all phases of the production and distribution process of Harmonic , from the cultivation of our olive groves up to your table.

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